Lao Tzu Quotes


"Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it." - Lao Tzu

"Care about what

other people think

and you will always

be their prisoner." 

- Lao Tzu

Planning for success in 2024? We’re here to help! Introducing Google Cloud Weeklies.

Google Cloud Weeklies

Weeklies are snackable online webinars designed to help you solve your chewiest challenges and help you keep up to date with the latest in cloud. Expect insightful presentations, demos, live Q & A - packed into highly snackable 60-minute (or less!) sessions. Read more...when we support for development of big companies like Google, small business organizations will automatically grow.

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"To the mind

that is still,

the whole



- Lao Tzu

"He who knows

others is wise.

He who knows

himself is wiser."

- Lao Tzu

"Do the difficult things

while they are easy and

do the great things

while they are small.

A journey of a thousand

miles must begin with

a single step."

- Lao Tzu

"As soon as you

have made a

thought, laugh

at it." 

- Lao Tzu

"Give life for your thoughts, by laughing at it." - Srinivasan B

"Figure out the

rhythm of life

and live in

harmony with it."

- Lao Tzu

"New beginnings

are often disguised

as painful endings."

- Lao Tzu

“Water is the softest thing,

yet it can penetrate mountains

and earth. This shows clearly

the principle of softness

overcoming hardness.”

– Lao Tzu


is a source of

great strength."

- Lao Tzu

"Whan action is pure

and selfless,

everything settles

into its own perfect


- Lao Tzu

Buddha Motivational Quotes
Dalai Lama Motivational Quotes
Lord Mahavira Motivational Quotes
Chanakya Motivational Quotes
Plato Motivational Quotes
Socrates Motivational Quotes
Saadi Motivational Quotes
Confucius Motivational Quotes
Swami Vivekananda 1 Motivational Quotes
Charlie Chaplin Motivational Quotes
Demoracy Motivational Quotes
Guru Nanak Dev Ji Motivational Quotes
Unity-motivation Motivational Quotes
Chaudhary Dharan Singh Motivational Quotes
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Motivational Quotes
Swami Vivekananda 2 Motivational Quotes

"Make one thing

at a time and

make it


The more laws

and edicts are

imposed, the

more thieves

and bandits

there will be”

- Lao Tzu

Good thought. When the people are not able to follow rules & regulations imposed by their govt, they will try to break the law. 

If I'm not able to make money thru my business honestly, I will look for some other illegal source to survive.

Freedom to do business is important to avoid fall & fail


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